Dry hopping beer machine

Quite many brewers contact us and enquire dry-hopping system.
First, what is dry hopping? Well, in general, dry hopping is process where you add more of hopp aroma but without much increasing the bitterness of beer. That is because it is cold process. Hopps aromatic oils and silicas are mostly lost during boiling and what you get is bitterness. By dry hopping you gain floral hop aromas and no bitterness. Or A lot more beer for just a little bit more money. See our solution:

Dry-hopping unit (DHU) consisting of two 3bar vessels:

(1) lower beer-vessel 50L to 100L depending on cellar tanks size

(2) upper hops-vessel 20L to 40L depending on cellar tanks size

The 2 vessels are connected by DN150 valve.

DHU is placed on a frame with wheels, equipped with DWO 3kW pump and a switchbox for pump control.

DWO pump is safeguarded by level sensor.

Connections are made with DN50 piping.

Working procedure:

1. Sanitation.

2. Fill/pressurize beer-vessel (1) with CO2 to cca 1,5 bar*.

3. Fill hops-vessel (2) with hop granules.

4. Fill/pressurize hops-vessel (2) with CO2 to cca 1,5 bar*.

5. Fill beer-vessel (1) with beer from CCT, about 100 L.

6. Start beer circulation (mixing) in beer-vessel (1).

7. Dose hops from hops-vessel (2) into beer-vessel (1).

8. Keep mixing beer with hops, cca 1 min.

9. Soaking – let beer rest for cca 20 – 30 min. (time depending on hops type).

10.Start circulation in beer-vessel (1), cca 30 sec. – then simultaneously close the circulation valve and open CCT pipeway valve.

11.Level sensor switches off the main pump (in cca 1 min.) and simultaneously the operator closes the CCT pipeway valve.

12.If necessary it is possible to flush the beer-vessel (1) by opening CCT pipeway (cca 20 – 30 L) and then return young beer back to CCT.


For proper device function it is necessary to match pressures in DHU and in CCT-fermenter (CCF).