Brewery expansion – 2 ways how to expand

Starting new brewery is tightly connected with budget available for brewing equipment. This is usually the reason why our customers start with a smaller production capacity than desired and they later expand.  However, it’s important to plan your  brewery expansion from the very start up, even if you think your starting brewery setup is big enough. People love craft beer.
Read what brewers wish to know before starting a brewery.

brewery expanson brewhouse

Our most frequently delivered brewhouse is 3-vessel: mash/kettle + lauter tun + whirlpool. Mash/kettle + lauter tun are on platform,  whirlpool vessel standing extra, usually in one area with HLT and with Wort-Cooler (95% of microbreweries or more in the Czech  Republic work with such a setup).

There are 2 basic ways how to expand your brewery:

1. Brewery expansion by increasing cellar tanks capacity

If we deliver our 3-vessel brewhouse and you don’t plan to upgrade the brewhouse in the future, your brewery capacity can be easily expanded by installing additional CCT – fermenters.

brewery expansion fermenting tanks

2. Brewhouse expansion

In case you plan a bigger expansion of your brewery and you need to upgrade your brewhouse in the future, we can place all 3 brewhouse vessels on selfsupporting platform and the platform can be pre-designed for future upgrade (with a place for future additional extra wort-kettle or further additional vessels). This makes your future brewery expansion substantially easier – see the options:

  1. brewery expansion to 4-vessel brewhouse (mash tun + lauter tun + wort kettle + whirlpool) by adding 1 additional vessel. You can perform 3 brewings daily with 4-vessel brewhouse.
  2. brewery expansion to 5-vessel brewhouse (mash tun + lauter tun + holding tank + wort kettle + whirlpool) by adding 2 additional vessels. You can perform 4 brewings daily with 5-vessel brewhouse
  3. brewery expansion to 6-vessel brewhouse (pre-masher vessel + mash tun + lauter tun + holding tank + wort kettle + whirlpool), by adding 3 additional vessels. With 6-vessel brewhouse you can make up to 6 batches daily so all additional CCT-fermenters can be delivered in 6-batch size and you can expand up to capacity 20 times bigger than your start-up beer production volumes.

brewery expansion cct tanks

If you have your own idea of your brewhouse arrangement, of course, we can build a customized brewhouse for you taking into consideration all future brewery expansion you will want to make.

We also can buld a US-style brewhouse for you according to your specification (mash/lauter + kettle/whirlpool or a setup with a separate wort-kettle).

All depends on your preferred brewing technology proven by your own brewing experience.